June Online Lesson Theme “Shape”
Theme “Shape”
Started with a dance, trying to make shapes with your arms and legs.
Read picture books and found shapes(circle, triangle and square) from pictures.
Had a great time to create seasonal paper crafts through this month.
★“Teru teru bozu” (a doll made of paper to wish for sunny day)
★paper cutting arts
★paper planes
★てるてるぼうず★ ★かみひこうき★ ★あじさい★
Which one would you like?
I like paper planes best, mine flies so far. How about yours?♪
Enjoyed singing songs “Kaeru no uta”(Froggy’s song) and “Katatsumuri”(Little Snail) in Japanese. With these songs, you’ll have fun to take a walk even on the rainy day.
We are looking forward to seeing you in July again.
See you soon!
〇,△,□は みつかった? さあいっしょに「かたつむりの ポーズ!!」
Japanese class for babies/small kids and parents

Now there are many kids & parents from all over the world (Brazil, China, India, Pakistan, Mongol…etc) enjoy the class. Japanese kids & parents are also welcome.
Let's enjoy many countries cultures with your kids!